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Harmony - A Practice On and Off the Mat
This holiday season, take time to be still. Feel grounded. Rather than growing your to-do list, ask yourself what you want from your next 60-minute investment. Listen for your cues. Then employ your intentions. Will them to work for you on your yoga mat which is a great test pad for taking productive actions that will ignite your mind, body and spirit and fuel your personal and professional life.
For The Best of Your Life
One of our greatest gifts as reasoning and critical thinking human beings is that of choice. Even when we can’t change our circumstances, we can choose our responses to them. We were created for a purpose. Our choices determine whether we navigate our purpose-driven life, or become a passenger to it. We have the power to bolster our wellbeing, or not; enhance our health and fitness, or not; and grow what’s good in our lives to greatness, or not. Why would you “not” when you can choose otherwise? What are you doing for the best of your life?