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Natural Forces Unite
Travel, Nature, Connection, Mindfulness Karen Cutrona Travel, Nature, Connection, Mindfulness Karen Cutrona

Natural Forces Unite

Revitalize your senses with the sights and sounds of nature in your own backyard, community, and from the land and seascapes of the places on this planet you’re privileged to visit. Become mindful during those speechless and awestruck moments and connect to the instinctual uprising within. Quiet your inner dialog and let nature’s force speak to you, and the God of its creation and yours will reveal that “message” you’re intended to receive, channel, and utilize for your good.

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For The Best of Your Life
Empowerment, Lifestyle Choices, Best Life Karen Cutrona Empowerment, Lifestyle Choices, Best Life Karen Cutrona

For The Best of Your Life

One of our greatest gifts as reasoning and critical thinking human beings is that of choice. Even when we can’t change our circumstances, we can choose our responses to them. We were created for a purpose. Our choices determine whether we navigate our purpose-driven life, or become a passenger to it. We have the power to bolster our wellbeing, or not; enhance our health and fitness, or not; and grow what’s good in our lives to greatness, or not. Why would you “not” when you can choose otherwise? What are you doing for the best of your life?

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Sense Abilities
Lifestyle, Sensory Control, Self Study, Yoga Karen Cutrona Lifestyle, Sensory Control, Self Study, Yoga Karen Cutrona

Sense Abilities

It’s easy to know what our senses like and don’t like. Every time we make a preference, whether it’s a color choice or a favorite type of food, we are acknowledging characteristics of our authentic being through our senses. Add a healthy dose of mindfulness to give meaning to these preferences and your senses’ abilities are heightened. These channels into our beings are powerful information carriers.

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Station Wagon Vacations Coast  to Coast

Station Wagon Vacations Coast to Coast

The cereal wrestling, Good & Plenty snorting, cruise controlling, monologuing, heaving, car sickening, hearing aid whistling, mooning and non-picture posing experiences in our station wagon cost to coast vacations, have bonded us together more than just about any other family event. Thanks, in retrospect, to our shared suffering.

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Hugs for Life
Wellness, Empowerment Karen Cutrona Wellness, Empowerment Karen Cutrona

Hugs for Life

During a pandemic, let’s dig deeper to better communicate our love and support in this touch-free society. In the meantime, I’ve been inspired by prehistoric creatures and premature twins to do all I can to keep the life-saving hug from extinction.

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Curiosity - Strength Training for your Mind
Lifestyle, Yoga, Wellness, Empowerment, Pro Aging Karen Cutrona Lifestyle, Yoga, Wellness, Empowerment, Pro Aging Karen Cutrona

Curiosity - Strength Training for your Mind

The mind is purposed for discovery, ideas, and vetting all of the “what ifs” we propose. Matters of the brain autonomously keep us alive and are focused on maintaining our comfort and safety. Curiosity fuels our minds. It’s the quality that can open and expand the gray matter of the brain so we can “think outside the box” - minding our matters beyond the brain’s confined parameters.

I often tell my students the brain is just an organ. It’s an important one for sure, but the brain is the only organ our minds can have exceptional influence over, thereby, changing the quality of our lives.

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